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Botswana – It’s Experiential!

It’s a paradox that 70% of Botswana’s total area is desert, yet it has the highest concentration of elephants in the wild. The answer might lie in one of the world’s 7 natural wonders, the Okavango delta, the largest inland delta which extends almost 250 kms from the north west of the country, it is here that one can find abundant wildlife in one of the most fragile ecosystems.

Low impact luxury safaris in Botswana, are the most precious.

Connect with us for consultation on the Okavango Delta, Chobe River system, Makgadigkadi salt pans & many other possibilities in Botswana

Enjoy our story from Botswana here


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Credit for the images used on this website are attributed to – The Governors Camp Collection, Wilderness Safaris, Wild Horizons, Lemala Camps & Lodges, The Zanzibar Collection & Graham Simmonds
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