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Madagascar – It’s unique!

In Africa, yet un-African!

The 4th largest island in the world at 587041 sqkms.

Madagascar is a complete surprise from coast to coast, East to West – North to South.

Diverse topography leading to varying weather patterns result in a heady mix of spices, fruits & vegetation bursting through the fertile soil. Topped with a flourish of assorted yet distinct marine life.

Madagascar displays one of the most colorful & vibrant forms of life is all aspects. The unique primate species – Lemurs, the gigantic ancient Baobab trees & divine vanilla beans could only be a bait to lure the world traveler to this island country, however nothing can prepare one for the myriad of surprises that await adventurous individuals, behind every mammoth boulder and along miles of lush green fields of rice.  Although the most endearing of all are the people – ever smiling, graceful & grateful!

One must see it to believe it!

Connect with us for consultation on Andasibe, Antsirabe, Ranomafana, Ranohira, Morondava, Anjajavy, Nosy Be, Tsingy Bemaraha & more


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Credit for the images used on this website are attributed to – The Governors Camp Collection, Wilderness Safaris, Wild Horizons, Lemala Camps & Lodges, The Zanzibar Collection & Graham Simmonds
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